‘RX 100’ which hit the screens as a small film is creating sensation at the box office. The film starring Payal Rajput and Karthikeya under the direction of Ajay Bhupathi became a block...Continue reading
'RX 100', which hit the cinemas in 2018, was a sleeper hit. The twist involving Payal Rajput's dangerous character was an absolute stunner. It is only because of that film that its director Ajay Bh...Continue reading
Aadi Saikumar-starrer 'Tees Maar Khan', starring Payal Rajput and Sunil in other pivotal roles, has completed its production works. With Kalyanji Gogana wielding the megaphone, the film is yet to l...Continue reading
Payal Rajput was voluptuous and dangerous in 'RX 100'. Her performance is still fresh in the minds of viewers even after nearly five years. The sad part is that she hasn't had even one noteworthy h...Continue reading
In her latest interview, Payal Rajput acknowledged that debuting in Telugu with a negative role has indeed shown a few negative results. The 2018 movie 'RX 100' was a box-office hit, but since Paya...Continue reading
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