'Hi Nanna', directed by Souryuv, explores a father-daughter relationship through the eyes of a woman. The film, which will hit the cinemas on December 7, has Viraj (Nani) and Yashna (Mrunal Thakur)...Continue reading
In a controversial scene in 'Family Star', Vijay Deverakonda's Govardhan has a major brawl with Ravi Babu's cameo character. In a scene before this, the latter seeks sexual favour from Govardhan's ...Continue reading
Nani has had eight million-dollar films in his career at the US box office. No wonder he wants to tap into the potential of the market ahead of the release of the classy and emotional drama 'Hi Nan...Continue reading
Mrunal Thakur is now among the most sought-after actresses in Telugu. 'Sita Ramam' and 'Hi Nanna' are her big hits. She will be seen in 'Family Star', opposite Vijay Deverakonda, this April 5. A f...Continue reading
"In every family - there is A Hero! This one is for all of you (sic)," Vijay Deverakonda wrote, plugging the Glimpse video of his upcoming movie 'Family Star'. Director Parasuram Petla, after casti...Continue reading
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