‘Odela RailwayStation’, written by popular director Sampath Nandi, is directed by Ashok Teja. Starring Vasishta Simha and Hebah Patel, the film's new poster is out marking the New Year'...Continue reading
The teaser of ’24 Kisses’ starring Hebah Patel and Arun Adith in the lead roles was released recently by actress Ileana D’Cruz on social media on the occasion of International Kis...Continue reading
'Orey Bujjiga', starring Raj Tarun, Malavika Nair and Hebah Patel, released on Aha recently. The comedy-drama will now head to screens on January 1. This makes it the first theatrical release in 20...Continue reading
Young hero Naga Anvesh, Beauty Queen Hebah Patel starrer ‘Angel’ is getting ready with 40 min graphic elements. The film unit has already announced that along with Telugu, they are maki...Continue reading
After delighting the music lovers with the beautiful songs, now 'Andhhagadu' team is going to release the theatrical trailer. The teaser triggered high expectations and the theatrical trailer, whic...Continue reading
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