‘Avunu-2’, a sequel to the horror-thriller ‘Avunu’ directed and produced by Ravi Babu is all set for worldwide release on April 3. We all know that in the past Ravibabu’s ‘Avunu’ clicked well at th...Continue reading
'Back Door', starring Poorna and Teja Tripurana, is directed by Karri Balaji. After completing post-production works, the film is gearing up to be released for Diwali. The CBFC has given it a 'U' c...Continue reading
The much awaited movie ‘Laddu Babu’ starring Allari Naresh, Poorna and Bhumika in the lead roles under the banner Maharadhi Films and Tripuraneni productions is probably going to get released on 1...Continue reading
Ravi Babu's suspense thriller 'Avunu' clicked well at the box office. Now, a sequel is said to be in the pipeline. Flying Frogs production house has registered ‘Avunu-2’ title at the film chamb...Continue reading
Poorna will be seen as the protagonist in 'Back Door', which is directed by Karri Balaji. The movie is presented by Satish Kumar and is produced by B Srinivas Reddy. Its teaser is out. The event w...Continue reading
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