Five years ago Deepika Padukone and director Priyadarshan had a noisy fallout and Deepika opted out of his project ‘Pirates’. The filmmaker was keen to launch Deepika but the actress decided to ma...Continue reading
It has been reported on Tuesday that Deepika Padukone felt heavy in her chest while shooting for 'Project K' in Hyderabad. Turns out that the news is false. As per the makers of the Prabhas-Nag As...Continue reading
"How the heck is this guy 57?! How can anyone get that strong and fit at that age without keeling over with a heart attack? Especially a lifelong smoker like him," Nikhil Mehra wondered soon after ...Continue reading
'Kalki 2898 AD', ahead of its theatrical release on June 27, is in the news because a South Korean artist named Sung Choi has accused Vyjayanthi Movies of resorting to plagiarism. Sung Choi is a co...Continue reading
The makers of 'Kalki 2898 AD' today announced that their epic sci-fi dystopian drama will be screened at the prestigious Busan International Film Festival. "Catch the EPIC BLOCKBUSTER on October 8t...Continue reading
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