'Back Door', starring Poorna and Teja Tripurana, is directed by Karri Balaji. After completing post-production works, the film is gearing up to be released for Diwali. The CBFC has given it a 'U' c...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh-Poorna starrer ‘Nuvvala-Nenila’ is ready for release. The film unit is making arrangements to bring it to the audience on 8th of August. ‘Mem Vayasuki Vaccham’ fame Trinatha Rao N...Continue reading
It’s not that easy to make a historical fantasy film by balancing visual show and thrilling subject. In fact, historical films which succeeded in balancing these two proportions have tasted v...Continue reading
Poorna will be featuring in an item number in the forthcoming film 'Adhugo' and this song will be released tomorrow. This is the title song of the film and will also have Bunty, the piglet sharing ...Continue reading
Poorna (alternatively spelled as Purnaa) has got engaged. Born as Shamna Kasim, the beauty of 'Avunu' and the recent 'Akhanda', will get married to a businessman named Shanid Asifali. He is the CEO...Continue reading
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