'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun, celebrated its pre-release event ahead of its theatrical release on March 5. Here are the highlights from the event. Creative Commercials' KS Rama Rao, speaking o...Continue reading
Trinath Rao Nakkina, who made his directorial debut with “Mem Vayasuku Vachcham’ with Tanish and Niti Taylor and presently directing ‘Priyatama Neevachata Kusalama’ with Varun Sandesh-Komal Jha, ...Continue reading
'Suvarna Sundari' is going to be released in theatres on February 3. The supernatural thriller stars Jayaprada and 'Avunu' fame Poorna in lead roles. Directed by Surendra Madarao, the film also fe...Continue reading
‘Mem Vayasuku Vachcham’ and ‘Priyatama Neevachata Kusalamaa’ fame Trinath Rao Nakkina is now coming up with his latest movie titled ‘Nuvvala Nenilaa’ starring Varun Sandesh and Poorna (Seema Tap...Continue reading
Poorna in the lead role, the sequel to the horror entertainer ‘Calling Bell’, ‘Rakshasi’ is being made under Dream Catchers banner. Panna Royal is the director. Ashok Manda,...Continue reading
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