Based on the real life of George Reddy, a student leader who fought against the oppression of students from backward classes and women in 70's, a film is being made. The trailer of the movie, title...Continue reading
'George Reddy' releases on 22nd November and the film has already run into a controversy. It's well-known that Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the student wing of RSS, was alleged to be ...Continue reading
'George Reddy' movie has grabbed the attention of many just with the trailer and the film has raised curiosity. Now as per reports, 'Power Star' Pawan Kalyan has liked the trailer and has come forw...Continue reading
Plans are underway for producing a huge biopic with the crazy combination of hero Sandeep Kumar (Sandy) of ‘Vangaveeti’ fame, director Jeevan Reddy of ‘Dalam’ fame and cinem...Continue reading
Megastar Chiranjeevi, who launched 'Adugu Adugu' lyrical song from 'George Reddy', said that he is eagerly waiting to watch the film, which will release on 22nd November. "I heard about George R...Continue reading
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