In a recent media interaction session, Allu Arjun said that Amitabh Bachchan continues to be an acting inspiration to him. "His films had an immense impact on me during my growing years. I greatly admire the megastar of our country. He acts gracefully even at this age. I feel when I get old, I should be acting as gracefully as he does. Even at 60, 70 or 80, you should work as beautifully as he does," Bunny said about the Bollywood superstar.
Reacting to the praise by the Icon Star, Big B today wrote, "So humbled by your gracious words. You give me more than I deserve. We are all such huge fans of your work and talent. May you continue to inspire us all. My prayers and wishes for your continued success!"
Amitabh was recently seen in a pivotal role in Prabhas' 'Kalki 2898 AD'. As Ashwatthama, he played a stellar role in making it a box-office success in Hindi. Allu Arjun is basking in the success of 'Pushpa 2: The Rule'.