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Movie Ticket Price Hike: Revanth Reddy Frames A Pre-Condition For Heroes


Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy today said that film actors and producers who want the government to permit ticket rate hikes for their movies must meet a certain specific condition.

Speaking at an event on Wednesday, the CM said that the producer of the concerned film must ensure that his film's star cast do a two-minute video to spread awareness against drug consumption and cyber crimes. "This is a necessary precondition. Every hero must do it from now on if they want the administration to permit ticket rate hikes for their movies," the Congress leader said.

"Without ending the drug menace and cyber crimes, our society will deteriorate to new lows. Film celebs must take on the responsibility of doing their bit to fight the dual menace," Revanth Reddy added. He also asked the police department to take steps towards meeting the pre-condition. "The police must reach out to the film stars," he added.