Two Telugu actors were today invited to Sankranthi celebrations hosted by Union Minister G Kishan Reddy in New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the chief guest for the occasion. Guess what, Teja Sajja was the only Tollywood celeb to get an invite besides Megastar Chiranjeevi.
Chiru receiving an invite is not at all surprising. After all, Kishan Reddy and the Megastar share a good rapport. Teja Sajja, who was catapulted to fame last year with the blockbuster success of HanuMan, being in the company of the legend is a surprise.
Recently, HanuMan was screened at the Indian Panorama section of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. On the occasion, Teja Sajja expressed pride in portraying a character "deeply rooted in Indian culture while resonating with international audiences familiar with similar mythological figures."
As for Chiranjeevi, he is currently associated with the fantasy adventure drama, Vishwambhara. Produced by UV Creations, the film is in its post-production phase.