A recent viral social media post on the state of Tamil cinema made this observation: "Atlee has moved to Bollywood. AR Murugadoss is making a movie with Salman Khan. Lokesh Kanagaraj will be teaming up with Aamir Khan. Nelson Dhilipkumar will be working with Jr NTR. The most profitable actor, Vijay, is quitting acting. Don't know where Kollywood is heading towards."
The post sums up the worsening state of Kollywood in the age of pan-Indian cinema. Director Shankar losing his form only makes matters worse for Tamil cinema. Filmmakers like Kanguva director Siva, Vetrimaaran and Bala have no potential to make films that the non-Tamil audience bases like.
Lokesh and Nelson, the directors with the maximum potential, will be attracted by Telugu and Hindi heroes in the foreseeable future. Telugu superstars like Allu Arjun, Prabhas and Jr NTR have a lot of market potential. Tamil cinema should import Kannada filmmakers like Prashanth Neel and Rishab Shetty. Also, Tollywood heroes/producers are stealing a march over their Tamil counterparts.