'Story, Screenplay, Director' is the title of an upcoming entertainer directed by Katla Rajendra Prasad. Katla Immortal, Amma Rajasekhar, Alisha, Shalini, senior artist Suman, Brahmaji, Ali, Chamma...Continue reading
Akram Suresh as hero, a film titled ‘Rana Akram’ is being produced under Rajadhani Amaravathi Movies baner. The film which started rolling from January, has completed 60% of the talkie ...Continue reading
‘Guruvaram’ starring Rami Reddy in the role of Shirdi Sai Baba is going to get released on the first Thursday of January 2012. ‘Guruvaram’ (Thursday) being the favourite day for Lord Sai Baba, thi...Continue reading
'Sexy Star' is an upcoming movie starring Lion Kuppili Srinivas as the hero. 'O Koduku Vyadha' is its tagline. Directed by Katla Rajendra Prasad, the film is in the post-production phase. Its titl...Continue reading
Parari is the title of an out-and-out romantic comedy film produced by Sri Shankara Arts. Presented by Gali Pratyusha, the film is headlined by newcomer Yogeshwaar. Directed by Sai Sivaji, this GVV...Continue reading
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