‘Onamalu’ is the story based on a school teacher named Narayana Rao who cherishes his childhood days by recollecting his mischievous acts. With Dr Rajendra Prasad and Kalyani as lead pair ‘Onamalu...Continue reading
A male head of a family played by Nata Kireeti Rajendra Prasad. Tulasi is his wife, while Kalyan and Vicky are his adolescent sons. Soni is his daughter. The First Look of 'Sahakutumbanam' is as si...Continue reading
After delivering critically acclaimed films like ‘Aa Naluguru’ and ‘Mee Shreyobhilashi’, Dr Rajendra Prasad is coming up with yet another message oriented film ‘Onamaalu’ which is produced and dire...Continue reading
'Sasana Sabha' is a term we often hear from news channels. While the political executive commands all the aura in public consciousness, the legislature is key to sustaining a democracy. The signifi...Continue reading
'Nata Kireeti' Rajendra Prasad will be seen in a thriller titled 'Climax'. Ahead of its release, the makers and actors have spoken about the movie. Producer Rammohan Rao said, "I have watched 'Dre...Continue reading
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