Going by its title ‘Cinemakeldam Randi’, the audience would definitely think that the story of the film is on films backdrop. However, ‘Cinemakeldam Randi’ is a crime comedy film that would thrill...Continue reading
Freeze Frame Films is proudly announcing its third overseas distribution venture, ‘Shamanthakamani - a trend setting Multi-Starrer- starring Nara Rohith, Sudheer Babu, Sundeep Kishan and Aadi...Continue reading
Rajendra Prasad and Archana have joined hands for a film titled 'Shashtipoorti'. A family drama, the film is produced by Rupesh Kumar Chowdhary and helmed by Pravan Prabha. Its launch event was att...Continue reading
Senior actor Rajendra Prasad has worn many hats on the screen. For a change, he has turned into a singer. The Nata Kireeti of Telugu cinema has sung a song in 'Climax', which will release in theatr...Continue reading
Dr Rajendra Prasad starrer ‘Vasundara Nilayam’ has successfully completed its post production works and set for release on August 9th. Director Ravisan is portraying Rajendra Prasad in the role of...Continue reading
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