Governor E. S. L. Narasimhan has called for better usage of Vedic knowledge for the benefit of common man.
Speaking as the Chief Guest at the 13th Foundation Day celebrations of the Srimaharshi Research Institute of Vedic Technology (SRIVT) here on Monday, he said that Vedic knowledge should not be confined to just the chanting of Vedic mantras and added that an in-depth study must be done on Vedas.
SRIVT – working under the aegis of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) and situated near the Old Airport at Bowenpalli in Secunderabad is a unique institution engaged in conducting research on Vedic sciences and developing technologies for the use of general public and the defence forces.
The Governor directed the Vedic University at Tirupati to collaborate with SRIVT to conduct research on Vedas and develop technologies that could be of help to society. In this context, he mentioned the SRIVT research for the development of low-cost and high-efficiency solar energy receivables and said that the government could make use of such receivables in all its institutions.
He called upon the SVRIT to seek financial assistance from the Central government for the development of its infrastructure and suggested that it should bring out publications and documentaries on its researches.
Responding to the Governor’s call, TTD EO L. V. Subramanaim said that the Vice Chancellor of the Vedic University would be deputed to the SRIVT to study the areas of collaboration between the two of them. He also promised financial and other help to them for their research work.
Dr. R. Prahlada, Vice-Chancellor of Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, appreciated the SRIVT for undertaking defence needs-related research. He felt that the outcome of such research could be useful for the students of the defence colleges under the purview of his institute. The research scholars of defence institutes would be deputed here, he added.
SRIVT Chairman P. V. R. K. Prasad detailed the activities of the institute. Prof K. V. Raghavan of SRIVT & Dr. A. B. Sudhakara Sastry, Managing Trustee of SRIVT, and others also spoke.
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