Mad Square Movie is directed by the Kalyan Shankar and produced by Haarika Suryadevara & Sai Soujanya under the banner Sithara Entertainments, Fortune Four Cinemas and Srikara Studios, the movie cast includes Narne Nithin, Sangeeth Shobhan, Ram Nithin. Bheems Ceciroleo composed the music for Mad Square.
MAD Square will grace the big screens on March 29. The film's release date was made official today by Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas. Narne Nithin, Ram Nithin and Sangeeth Shoban ...Continue reading
'Swathi Reddy' is the title of the second song from 'Mad Square'. Reba Monica John of Samajavaragamana fame is Swathi Reddy in this peppy number in which the three male leads participate. The "Madd...Continue reading
'Laddu Gaani Pelli' is described by the makers of 'Mad Square' as the Baraat Anthem. And, true to the vibes and pulsating energy associated with the occasion, the song packs a punch. Bheems Cecirol...Continue reading
'MAD Square' is the title of the official sequel to 'MAD', last year's big hit. Sithara Entertainments is promising MAD MAXX entertainment this time and the jaunty first-look poster convinces us to...Continue reading
Sithara Entertainments, which recently produced the blockbuster 'Tillu Square', has launched a sequel to 'MAD'. The 2023 movie, 'MAD', was a hit at the box-office. Kalyan Shankar, who debuted as a ...Continue reading
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