The shooting of ‘Sudigadu’ has been completed and the film is set for June end release. The audio will also be released in early June. Srivasanth is scoring the songs for which Sirivennela Seetara...Continue reading
Allari Naresh who acted in a lead role in the latest movie 'Nandhi' seems to be happy with the response he is receiving from the audience. Directed by debutant Vijay Kanakamedala, Nandhi is a thril...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Seema Tapakai’ has successfully been completed. The film starring Allari Naresh and Poorna, a new heroine, will be released some time in May. The post production works have already b...Continue reading
In the glimpse video of 'Bachhala Malli', Allari Naresh is seen throwing a fit. He is against sermons that call upon humans to achieve equanimity. A drunkard to the core, he enjoys dashing into oth...Continue reading
Allari Naresh as hero and Sakshi Choudhury as heroine ‘James Bond’ produced by Rama Brahmam Sunkara and directed by Sai Kishore Macha, has completed all formalities including censor and is all set ...Continue reading
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