Comedy King Allari Naresh’s upcoming film in the combination of successful producer Anil Sunkara and director by PV Giri has completed 50% of the shooting part. This untitled flick is being u...Continue reading
Allari Naresh-Sakshi Choudhury starrer ‘James Bond’ has completed all formalities including censor and is all set to hit the screens worldwide on July 17. This comedy entertainer is being made unde...Continue reading
Comedy King Allari Naresh teams up his successful producer Anil Sunkara for the fourth time after hilarious hits like ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’, ‘Action 3D’ and ‘James Bond&r...Continue reading
Allari Naresh has played a key role in one of the biggest hits of this year, 'Maharshi' and the 'Sudden Star' has suggested that he is game for roles that have importance even if it means that he w...Continue reading
Allari Naresh's aim in 'Ugram' is sorted. Thousands of commoners go missing every year. What happens to them? Why are their whereabouts a secret? Can the human trafficking mafia be eliminated once ...Continue reading
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