Actor Sai Dharam Tej, who recently changed his name to Sai Durgha Tej, today was in Vijayawada on a pious visit. He was there at the famous Kanaka Durga Temple in the town to offer prayers to the r...Continue reading
The recently released first look poster of Rahul Vijay and Kavya Thapar starrer ‘Ee Maya Peremito’, unveiled by Mega Hero Varun Tej, has received good response from audience. Supreme He...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Bro' was held in a grand manner on Tuesday night. Speaking on the occasion, Pawan Kalyan poured his heart out. Here are some of the key highlights of his long speech: I w...Continue reading
Everyone knows Sai Dharam Tej’s passion towards sports and Cricket but few know that Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej is an extreme lover of adventure sports. Sai Dharam Tej recently signed on as ...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan starrer Nakshatram is almost finishing its shoot schedule. Apart from one song the rest of the film has completed its shoot. This one remaining song will be shot on a famous heroine...Continue reading
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