Under hit director, Anil Ravipudi's presentation, the movie Gaali Sampath starring senior actor Rajendra Prasad and young hero Sree Vishnu, is all set for its release on 11th March. Anil Ravipudi h...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna will turn a year older on June 10. Two days before the big day, the title of his 108th movie was revealed on Thursday by producers Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi. Hoardings de...Continue reading
Anil Ravipudi's directorial F2 was one of the most entertaining movies of that season. With Venkatesh, Varun Tej, Tamannah, and Mehreen as the lead actors the movie F2 was a blockbuster hit that dr...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej and Raashi Khanna starrer Supreme is out in the theatres. The film has got a thumbs up for its hilarious first half. Those who have seen the film say that Sai Dharam has improved a l...Continue reading
We have not seen much of Venkatesh from 2016. This was when his film Guru was wrapped. The film released in 2017. It has been a year and half and Venkatesh was not seen much in the movie circle. Th...Continue reading
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