Balakrishna’s untitled film under the direction of Parachuri Murali is being produced by M L Kumar Chowdary under Sri Keerthi Combines. The film has Lakshmi Rai and Saloni as leading ladies in whi...Continue reading
‘Maryada Ramanna’ fame Saloni joins Surender Reddy’s ‘Race Gurram’ as a second heroine opposite Allu Arjun. Saloni who earned immense craze with Rajamouli’s ‘Maryada Ramanna’, later was seen as sec...Continue reading
Kannada super star Sudeep, who is well known to the Telugu audience with the super hit film ‘Eega’, and ‘Maryada Ramanna’ fame Saloni Aswani are playing the lead roles in the film ‘Rowdy Simha’. It...Continue reading
Venkatesh’s ongoing untitled flick, a remake of Malayalam super hit film ‘Body Guard’ is currently being shot in Hyderabad. Trisha is playing the leading lady opposite Venkatesh and the film is ta...Continue reading
The audio of Saloni starrer ‘Telugammayi’ is going to be released on July 24th through Aditya Music Company. Vandematharam Srinivas composed the music. The film has completed its post production ...Continue reading
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