Chitra Creations banner, which earlier brought successful film ‘Kolimi’ on the backdrop of Telangana, is coming out with a cute love story ‘Lolli’ which is set in the college backdrop. G Uma Parvat...Continue reading
‘Kolimi’ is the film being made on Telangana backdrop. ‘Prathyusha’ fame Nagendra is directing the movie with Shivaji in the lead. Interestingly Ramakrishna is playing the O.U professor. Uma Parv...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna in the dual role ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ directed by Kalyan Krishna and produced under Annapurna Studios, was released on January 15 on the occasion of Sankranti. The film has got po...Continue reading
BlueSky Cinemas, one of the leading players in overseas market for Indian movies and The leading studio and production house Annapurna Studio’s together now brining another fun filled entertainer S...Continue reading
‘Mathangi’ is a film made in Malayalam by directed by Kannan Thamarakkulam with our own 'Sivagami’ Ramyakrishna in the lead Role with Jayaram, Sampath, Akshara Kishore, Aangelina ...Continue reading
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