'Honey Trap', which is directed by P Sunil Kumar Reddy, is currently doing a film titled 'Honey Trap'. Starring Rishi, Shilpa Nayak, Teju Anupoju, Siva Karthik and others, the film is produced by V...Continue reading
Ravanth and Saloni as the main leads, the movie Rajuku Nachinde Rambha is directed by Rally Srinivasa Rao. Touted to be a family entertainer, the movie was launched at a formal event in Hyderabad t...Continue reading
'Batch' is an upcoming movie headliend by Satvik Varma and Neha Pathan. Directed by Siva, the film has music by Raghu Kunche. Produced by Ramesh Ganamajji, the film's trailer was released today in ...Continue reading
The recent spurt of incidents of drug abuse among students in our city coming to light has left a lot of us stunned. It is heart breaking to see the youth of the country getting hooked to drugs and...Continue reading
'Rudra Veena' is an upcoming movie that tells a revenge story. Touted to be dramatic and different, it is directed by Madhusudan Reddy. Sriram, Elsa and Subha Sri are its lead actors. The film has...Continue reading
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