Suriya’s brother Karthi’s latest movie ‘Biriyani’ which was to hit screens for Sankranti, now exits the race in order to avoid clash with superstar’s ‘Kochadaiiyaan’ (which rescheduled its release ...Continue reading
'105 Minutes' is an upcoming single-shot movie with just one character. The film stars Hansika Motwani, who got married recently, as the heroine. With the first copy of the experimental movie read...Continue reading
Hansika Motwani who entered the movie industry at an early age gained so much popularity in the south. Now that the actress is all set to entertain the audience with her upcoming movie titled 'My n...Continue reading
'105 Minutes' is an upcoming single-shot movie with just one character. Starring Hansika Motwani as the heroine, the film was shot in real-time. The news is that the experimental movie is gearing u...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan and Hansika Motwani has been paired in an upcoming comedy film. This film will be directed by G Nageshwar Reddy, who gave us films like ‘Seema Sastry’ and ‘Denikain...Continue reading
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