'Thank You Brother' is an upcoming comedy revolving around a set of fictional events in the era of coronavirus. Its Title Poster was on Friday unveiled by 'Baahubali' and 'Viraata Parvam' actor Ran...Continue reading
There have been rumours that Anasuya will be playing the role of Samantha's mother in 'Rangasthalam'. This is not true says Jabardast anchor 'Anasuya'. She plays a role called 'Rangammaattha'. A s...Continue reading
Anasuya Bhardwaj is all perked up with the start of the New Year. She had a chat with the Twitter followers. Some good questions came up. One was about her tattoo. The actress has a tattoo on her b...Continue reading
'Simbaa', starring Jagapathi Babu, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Gowtami and Vasista Simha in lead roles, will hit the cinemas on August 9. Its Trailer launch event was held on Wednesday. Anasuya said the fi...Continue reading
Like many actresses who put up their glamorous pictures on Twitter and Instagram, Hottie Anasuya too posts her glam pictures regularly on social media. The anchor has posted a picture of her being ...Continue reading
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