Manchu Lakshmi starrer ‘Wife Of Ram’ has been selected for official screening at the prestigious Ottava Indian Film Festival. The festival will take place from June 13 to 17. The suspen...Continue reading
Budugu is an intense and engaging family thriller written and directed by Manmohan. Based on real life incidents, the film depict some mysterious and shocking things that happen in the life of ...Continue reading
Audio launch events are usually pretty regular and to the most part mundane. Most of the events focus on some dance performances and end by releasing the audio CD. This format has been happenin...Continue reading
Manchu Vishnu’s ‘Doosukelta’ is scheduled for release on October 11th and the shooting has come to the finishing stage. Lakshmi Manchu is doing a cameo role in this action comedy which is ...Continue reading
Just when we think we have shaken off the ghosts of our past and are finally moving on, something happens to show us how far we still have to go. I’ve been wanting to talk about this since I ...Continue reading
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