'Pindam' is the latest horror-thriller in the town. This November release, directed by Saikiran Daida, is set in three timelines: the present, the 1930s, and the 1990s. Set mostly in a haunted hous...Continue reading
When the makers of ‘Babu Baga Busy’ announced that actor-turned-director Avasarala Srinivas is playing the role of a set addict, audience wondered as to how Srinivas Avasarala can get i...Continue reading
Dr D Ramanaidu’s ‘Mugguru’ (Maha Mayagaallu) is progressing at a fast pace. The film stars Navdeep, Rahul and Avasarala Srinivas and is directed by V N Aditya of ‘Manasantha Nuvve’ fame. The movi...Continue reading
All formalities related to Avasarala Srinivas’s ‘Babu Baga Busy’ including censor have been completed and received ‘A’ certificate. The makers have announced that the ...Continue reading
‘Awe’, which is presented by Natural Star Nani, has become one of the most talked about films in recent times in Tollywood. The film is all set for a grand release today. Nani is very e...Continue reading
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