Venky and Ram starrer tentatively titled ‘Gol Maal’ is presently progressing at Ramoji Film City. According to the film unit, a few comedy action scenes are being canned on the lead stars at Small...Continue reading
In the media interview yesterday, Victory Venkatesh announced that he is going to do yet another multi-starrer very soon. In his words, “After SVSC and Shadow, my next film will be the remake of ‘...Continue reading
The situation in the film industry has worsened due to the catastrophe created by the Covid-19 pandemic. With theatres closed due to lockdown, it looks like the filmmakers will take some time to re...Continue reading
Krish is helming Venkatesh’s 75th film. The director seems to be very fast. He has already got the title and the first look of the film ready. The title has been sent to Venkatesh for confirm...Continue reading
The trailer of 'F3' was unveiled on Monday. In 24 hours, the fun-filled trailer has logged 12.5 million views and 260K likes. Since 'F3' is not a mass masala action movie, the number is considerabl...Continue reading
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