Samantha is currently shooting an ad for Dabur in Mumbai despite her busy shooting schedules. The actress wrapped up the shooting for ‘Manam’ in Hyderabad recently and is on a holiday break. She...Continue reading
The YVM team has come up with an interesting theme called ‘Audio Release Bulletin’ to promote its grand audio launch which is going to be held on September 2nd. In this line, today, a “Contest ...Continue reading
'Yashoda' is set to head to theatres on November 11. Amidst rumours that Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who has been treated for an autoimmune disorder, won't be promoting the thriller, the star actress tod...Continue reading
Samantha starrer Oh Baby will be releasing on July 5th. Nandini Reddy has directed this film and Suresh Babu is the producer. When all post-production work is in place for the film's release there ...Continue reading
Samantha Ruth Prabhu turned a year older today. It's also the release date of her Tamil-Telugu movie 'Kanmani Rambo Khatija'. The rom-com, directed by Nayanthara's boyfriend Vignesh Shivan, has bee...Continue reading
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