'Dear Megha', starring Megha Akash, Arun Adith and Arjun Somayajula, is directed by Sushanth Reddy. The news is that, today, a song titled 'Gundello Kanneeti Megham' from the movie was unveil...Continue reading
'Dear Megha', starring Adith Arun, Megha Akash and Arjun Somayajulu, is gearing up for a release soon. 'Aamani Unte', its first song, has already clocked 2 million views. And, today, a song titled ...Continue reading
Rahul Vijay has teamed up with Megha Akash for an untitled film. 'Nata Kireeti' Rajendra Prasad has got a pivotal role in this one. Launched today, the romantic entertainer is presented by Megha's ...Continue reading
The song is about actor the protagonist who expresses extreme emotions of anger and sadness as his relationship with his girlfriend takes a serious toll. Gopi Sundar has rendered a perfect music fo...Continue reading
Megha Akash, Adith Arun, Arjun Somayajulu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Dear Megha is prepping up to hit the screens soon. Actress Pooja Hegde launched the first single from the movie D...Continue reading
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